hydroelectric generator that floats

A hydrokinetic turbine is a type of hydropower that works underwater similarly to a wind turbine. The stream in a river or canal spins a rotor, which spins a generator, which generates power.

These turbines are designed and manufactured  to provide a renewable source of electricity to inaccessible rural areas.


The turbines have a float on top and are anchored and tethered in place so that the rotor lies just below the river’s surface.


The output of the turbine is dependent on the river’s current, although on average, a turbine may supply 8,500 kilowatt hours of electricity each year.


Rivers are a more reliable and consistent source of energy than the sun or wind.

:Its been said “A hydrokinetic turbine has one genuine advantage over all other renewable energy sources.” “It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

This eliminates the need for batteries to store the electricity generated, which are often a high-cost component of solar or wind-powered systems.T


The designed the device with a small team of engineers, using simulation tools to fine-tune the design without having to produce a large number of pricey prototypes – reduce our product development costs since we were able to model many things before going to real-world testing,

NGOs (non-governmental organisations) working in Latin America, Africa, and India are currently key customers. It has built and installed 50 turbines in these countries to date, which feed into “microgrids” that provide a constant supply of electricity all year.

Even though hydroelectric power is one of the oldest forms of energy generation, it has a number of drawbacks, including changes in water chemistry and temperature, as well as turbines that kill and injure fish. However, when suspended over a river or other flowing water, this particular floating waterwheel (HEB – Hydro Electric Barrel) may create power independent of depth or environmental impact.


The barrel’s unusual chevron-shaped paddle treads allow it to revolve along its horizontal axis in fast-moving water, allowing it to enter the water smoothly and resurface without lifting water.

The advantage of this design is that it reduces down force (Coanda effect) and the bow wave in front of the barrel, boosting the machine’s efficiency. This would be an excellent product for today’s demand for inexpensive renewable energy, as well as a cost-effective solution for the pico or micro hydroelectric energy industry.


Types of Turbines

Turbines with an Impulse

High-head microhydro systems are most typically powered by impulse turbines, which have the simplest design. The turbine wheel, referred known as the runner, is moved by the velocity of water. The Pelton wheel and the Turgo wheel are two of the most frequent forms of impulse turbines.

• Pelton wheel — creates energy using the principle of jet force. A pressurised pipeline with a narrow nozzle at one end is used to funnel water. The water shoots out of the nozzle in a jet, striking the wheel’s double-cupped buckets. The impact of the jet spray on the curved buckets generates a force that rotates the wheel at 70–90 percent efficiency. Pelton wheel turbines come in a variety of diameters and work best in low-flow, high-head situations.

• The Turgo impulse wheel is a more advanced variant of the Pelton impulse wheel. It uses the same jet spray concept as the Pelton, but the Turgo jet is half the size and is slanted to strike three buckets at once. The Turgo wheel now spins twice as fast as before. It’s also less cumbersome, requires fewer or no gears, and has a reputation for being trouble-free. The Turgo can work in low-flow environments, but it needs a medium or high head.

• A drop-in-the-creek turbine that can generate power from a stream with as little as 13 inches of water and no head. The Jack Rabbit’s maximum output is 100 Watts, therefore daily production ranges from 1.5 to 2.4 kilowatt-hours, depending on your location. The Aquair UW Submersible Hydro Generator is another name for it.

Turbines with Reactions

Pressure rather than velocity is used to generate energy in reaction turbines, which are very efficient. The response turbine’s blades are all in continual contact with the water. Large-scale hydropower plants frequently employ these turbines.

Reaction turbines are rarely employed in microhydropower projects due to their complexity and high cost. The propeller turbine, which comes in a variety of configurations and functions similarly to a boat’s propeller, is an exception.

Propeller turbines have three to six fixed blades placed on the runner at various angles. The propeller turbine comes in three forms: bulb, tubular, and Kaplan tubular. Microhydro sites can use the Kaplan turbine, which is a very adjustable propeller system.

Waterwheels and Pumps

Hydraulic turbines can be replaced with conventional pumps. When a pump’s operation is reversed, it acts like a turbine. Pumps are more common than turbines since they are mass produced. Pumps are also more affordable. Your microhydropower site, on the other hand, must have somewhat steady head and flow for adequate pump performance. Pumps are also inefficient and prone to failure.

The waterwheel is the earliest component of a hydroelectric system. Waterwheels are still accessible, but their slow speed and cumbersome shape make them unsuitable for generating energy.