River Turbines
General Description /Main Features
Clean Current has developed a family of turbines ideally suited to the specific environment found in rivers. This technology, adapted from Clean Current’s extensive experience gained in tidal turbines, uses the same proprietary generator and bearing technology and combines this with specific blade and duct modifications. The result is a simple, yet robust product designed to operate with minimal maintenance over a 25 year period. The product family has been developed to suit different river depths ranging up to 15.0+ metres. These units produce a given rated power for a given rated current speed as shown in the Table below. To see a spin test of Model CC015A click here
* Minimum river depths can be reduced in some sites depending on local conditions and mounting solution chosen.
This family of river in-stream turbines provides the customer with the following benefits:
Simplified design enhances reliability
Proprietary coatings and application methodologies
Fault tolerant generator specifically designed for the marine environment
Demonstrated superior turbine performance
Totally submerged, ducted structure
Easily deployed and retrieved, even in remote locations
Autonomous operation and remote performance monitoring
Ideally suited for remote locations as it is easily integrated with other renewable energy sources and existing diesel generation
More detailed product information is provided in the product brochure.